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Why do we use Wix?


The answer to this question involves many different aspects, so many that we’ve laid them across two separate articles.

As a marketing company, we are a Wix partner. We didn't just choose to be so because we thought Wix was cool—we tried all the different platforms. For some clients we still use WordPress or Shopify as this is what they’re comfortable with. Our clients often ask us why we prefer to use Wix, and these are the reasons:

It’s so easy to use

When I say it’s easy to use, I mean it’s easy to use. Don't get me wrong, the stuff we do in the coding section is a lot more difficult, but our clients wouldn’t need to understand this aspect.

This is how easy the platform is to use:

Spotted a mistake on the front page? Don't worry, this is how difficult it is to change it…

Want to change an image on your website? Again, this is how easy it is to change it…

Would you like to add a blog to your website? This is how easy it is…

All you have to do is take your cursor to the area/aspect you want to change, double click, then change it. You don't have to keep jumping from the back end of the site to the front end to see how it looks—you can see it all in real time. This functionality saves so much time and it’s easy to see if your website is looking top notch.

A proportion of our clients would admit that they’re not the most ‘techy’ people in the world. Being able to change things as easily as this means that they only need our help with really big changes or when they would like a new section adding to their site.

Live chat

Live chat is an amazing feature to have on a website. Not every business needs this, but for companies that want to be more accessible to their target audience, this feature is a must.

With Wix, setting up live chat is painless. All you have to do is follow the instructions (which are all on the same screen), and before you know it, you have set up live chat on your website. Your Wix package affects how far you can take the live chat function, but for most people, the free version is more than enough to keep them going.

For quite a few of our clients, they will admit they are not the most techy people in the world. So being able to change things as easily as this means that they only need our help with the big changes or when they would like a new section adding to their website.

Depending on your package depends on how far you can take the live chat, but for most people, the free version is more than enough to keep them going.

Wix has its own mobile app. Unlike a lot of live chat applications on other platforms, you will receive notifications to your phone when someone messages you. You can therefore reply anywhere.

Wix app

The Wix app is genuinely great. Personally, I still prefer to log on to the laptop and do everything on there, just because I type quicker than I can tap out a message on my phone. But when I'm on holiday or away from the computer, I know that I can jump on the app and do pretty much everything I can do on the backend of my site.

Wix events

We’ve all seen the huge increase in online events and the benefits of holding them. Even though they’re online you still need to keep your costs are as small as possible to maximise your profits. Because you can’t record attendance in person, tracking and updating attendees can be difficult if you don’t use an event management/ticketing system.

You could use third parties like Eventbrite; however, if you’re charging for tickets their commission is very high and you’re limited to what you can do with the information. Wix events directly integrates with your website so that people can book without having to leave your site. All the information you attain during this process is yours to use. Wix’s commission is also a hell of a lot lower than such as Eventbrite (between 2.5-3.5%); (Wix don't actually take any commission, this is based on the merchant gateway system you use).

By using Wix events, you can have an online database that you could use to send emails/newsletters to; you can also click on individual members and send them personal messages as well as create notes.

One of the biggest benefits that no one ever thinks about (until they need to) is the ‘check in’ system.

If you hold a physical event it can sometimes be tricky to monitor who is there, especially if you’re running a large event where passing a piece of paper round simply won't work. Through the Wix app you can scan people’s pre-sent tickets; it will automatically check them in on your website, so that you can easily keep track of who has attended in order to send them a follow up email.

There are many more reasons why we’re fans of Wix. Read our next article for even more information and recommendations relating to this platform.


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